October 09, 2005


Raymond revient !

βlΘgmªšτΞ®'s Note To Whom It May Concern: Ray is leaving for Paris on Tuesday. Seems like he was just there, eh? He was. Here's another interesting little note about Federman--this one from the slick French magazine, Technikart:

A 77 ans, Raymond Federman gagnerait à être, enfin, connu chez nous. Rendons grâce aux éditions Al Dante d'importer, depuis quelques livres, le plus français des auteurs américains qui ne cesse de mêler exigence formelle et simplicité du sujet, sa vie. Non pas en long et en large, mais en travers. [...] Chez Federman point de récit pleurnichard. Pour lui, devoir de mémoirel rime avec récit rigolard. Il s'amuse de sa vie de cosette, passe d'anecdotes campagnardes à la grande Histoire et fait défiler le récit de ses souvenirs avec une incroyable maîtrise de la narration. Il s'égare et se reprend et se détourne encore, et on ne le quitte plus. Raymond revient !

Jean Perrier

Archk -- I really must take some French language lessons -- soon!

Have a safe journey and a wonderful time in France, Raymond!! :-)
allez pour lui

Cool photo -- I always liked that one [which I first saw on the cover of my German paperback copy - Die Nacht zum 21. Jahrhundert].
Please pardon the above Mesothelioma blog spam business.

I added a "hit counter" to this site and it's one of the elliptical results of doing so.

FREE hit counters mean business.
Hi Lilly. Thanks for visiting Federman's Blog.

Hiya O'Grady -- coffee sounds wonderful, thank you very much --- coffee break in here surrounded by crazy spammers!!
Lisbeth P.: One lump* or two?


* Opium cubes.
One will do. Thank you, young Mr O'Grady.
O'Grady: I am not making this up

[Normally I take two but I am on roller skates today, you see...]

it's informative
I don't have the time to stop by....
80 million Down Loadable Movies, Lisbeth!

80 million Down Loadable Movies!
You've got a point, O'G -- perhaps I should simply make the time to stop by!

[Didn't know that there were THAT many movies in the world. Effing hell]
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