I never studied new math -- I barely know my tables of multiplication which I still do in French -- I am numerically deprived and depraved -- Marcel was deep into numbers -- he invented a system to win at the roulette table -- I also have a system which I believe is 9 times better than Marcel’s -- my lucky numbers at roulette are 7 8 9 17 18 19 27 28 29 -- if I place one chip on all 9 numbers -- let’s say a 5 Euros chip for the sake of verisimilitude -- the last time I played roulette was in a German casino -- I have then committed to one spin of the wheel 9 chips -- since the 9 always cancels all the other numbers when they are added together in essence I have canceled my own bet -- I have taken the risk of losing 45 euros in one spin of the wheel -- however should any of these 9 numbers come up I win 175 Euros -- 35 times 5 -- in German casinos a full number pays 35 to 1 instead of 36 -- 36 being the number of numbers on the roulette wheel -- 35 x 5 = 175 -- after I have deducted my initial investment of 45 Euros and set it aside I now have 130 Euros of profit to reinvest -- before I lose this entire profit -- we are of course speculating here as in all business ventures -- assuming I continue to play the same 5 Euros chips -- I can play the same 9 numbers 2.8888888 with my 130 Euros profit -- one arrives at 2.8888888 by dividing 130 by 45 -- 45 being the amount being risked with each spin of the wheel -- which gives 2.8888888 -- the number of times I can play my 9 numbers -- but since -- to be consistent with my system -- I cannot play .8888888 time -- unless I change the amount I place on each number or the number of numbers to play -- but that would screw up my system royally -- therefore I can play the same 5 Euros on the same 9 numbers only two times -- the .8888888 uninvestable profit being set aside with the original 45 Euros -- according to the law of averages it is almost impossible not to hit at least one of 9 numbers in two chances -- I am therefore assured of having a winning evening -- if I gamble in the evening -- or a winning afternoon if playing in the afternoon -- that is if I do not play beyond two spins of the roulette wheel -- correction -- three spins since theoretically my initial gain of 175 Euros occurred on the first spin of the wheel -- but of course for my system to work it is absolutely essential that one of my 9 numbers comes up on the first spin of the wheel -- if none of my 9 numbers comes up on the first spin then I must rethink the entire system -- or else stop playing immediately and resign myself to the loss of 45 Euros -- of course if one of my numbers comes up on the next two spins then I must recalculate the number of times I can play and the amount I am willing to invest with the extra profit-- but if one of my numbers has come up on the first spin but none comes up on the next two spins I can always try again with the original 45 Euros I have set aside -- and so on as long as one of my numbers keeps coming up on the first spin -- each time setting aside .888888 of profit -- but if none of my numbers comes up on the first spin I must resign myself to the loss of 45 Euros and quit -- I am not familiar with Marcel Duchamp’s system but I believe I am one up on him --Labels: A LA QUEUE LEU RAYMOND FEDERMAN, duchamp, law of averages, roulette, system
# posted by blogmaster @ 6/11/2007 08:46:00 AM