July 29, 2009


final escape

how will it happen

the final exitus

will it be violent

will it hurt

or will it be quiet

full of silence

will the sordid images

that have haunted us

be suddenly erased

or will they be replayed

endlessly replayed

in virtual reality

will we fall

or will we rise

or simply pass through

as one goes through

an open door

to enter a room

perhaps it will be

an escape

another escape

from the little box

where it all started

among empty skins

but this time it will be

the final escape

from the great cunt

of existence

and this time

without any gurgling

will the stolen sugar be

as sweet as the first time

and what of the moon

tiptoeing on the roof

will she smile upon us

or remain indifferent

will there be words

left to describe what

is taking place

words and silences

or will there be only

cries and whispers

Raymond Federman

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