October 25, 2005



Time is fixed on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at Noon San Diego time for The Third Live Chat with Raymond Federman! Ray will be relating news and stories from his most recent trip to Paris. Click HERE for international time zone calculation so you can join us on The Surfiction Tagboard at the appointed time--no matter where you live in the world.

another chat???

i'll be there


Moderator: Welcome back to The Land of Misrepresentation, Moinous! How was France this time?

PimPimPim: cubed

Daily: here!

Peter Heliczer: yo

Pim Pim Pim: here here here

PimPim: I say it as I hear it

Crispin G.: here and no that wasn't me

Vergil: here

roll call: who's still here

Moscovich: crispin was that really YOU in rubin and ed

Vergil: Carry on (or endure) and preserve yourselves for better times

Crispin G.: This blog does not run on God's own methane.

Moscovich: "trying to make it real compared to what"

*L*: I have to leave now. Alan needs to do some work on the pc -- good night guys.

Crispin: anybody see my gloves

Daily: Pasquals Restaurant in Santa Fe / A Restaurant in Santa Fe

--ecce iterum Crispinus: Latin for "here's that fellow Crispin again"

Moscovich: Peter are you really sitting at a restaruant in Santa Fe?

daily: barista, gimme a double


Moscovich: equilabrista--tightrope walker

daily: "I like that statement" was referring to Peter's

daily: excellent point, Pim Pim Pim!

daily: I like that statement.


daily: excellent point, Peter Heliczer!

daily: federman's chat is what happens

Peter Heliczer: Federman you are suggesting worlds beyond the spotlight utlizing negative space

*L*: Good point Moscovich!

daily: laughter @ Moscovich


Moscovich: Federman's Chat is what happens after the Novel Died

écart: lit., a setting or stepping aside; deviation; digression, as in a discourse; hence, mistake; error

Peter Heliczer: un morceau du.... qua?

*L*: Raymond, are you gonna answer the Qs we've been asking?

écart: lit., a setting or stepping aside; deviation; digression, as in a discourse; hence, mistake; error

Peter Heliczer: un morceau du.... qua?

*L*: Raymond, are you gonna answer the Qs we've been asking?

*L*: Cool -- you guys kick arse!

Pim Pim: 7777776

montagnes russes: Mountaineers are always freemen: motto of West Virginia

Moscovich: *L*/Alan ------ yes

morceau: [Fr.; pl. morceaux], a piece; morsel; esp., a short musical or literary piece

Moscovich: "is the imaginary catastrophe which hides behind it....

M.O'G: PimPim, what if I told you I *KNOW* it's you (Raymond Federman)--then what?

Moscovich: "what makes reality fascinating at times...

Young: I have perhaps not sufficiently emphasized the very great importance of written words and other symbols.


*L* and Alan: Hey Moscovich - you play music with MD don't you?

PimPim: nononononononon

M. O'Grady: well let's go for it

*L* and Alan: -- we are here!!

M. O'Grady: greetings

Moscovich: Maybe he will show up, we can distract ourselves with the thing that waits for the thing meanwhile

βlΘgmªšτΞ® m.d.: i think PimPim was/is federman


βlΘgmªšτΞ®: Moscovich!


Moscovich: Federman are you here?

mike: entertaining [especially in america] is a dismal business

PimPim: The Story That Laughs At The Story.

Peter Heliczer: Jack Kerouac said comparisons are odious.

Peter Heliczer: Perhaps I should rephrase that: Henry Miller once said in an interview that in Europe he was accepted first as a person, and later as an artist.

M.I.C.K.: PimPim, where are you writing from?

*L*: Do tell us....

M.I.C.K.: we're here, federman! hit the refresh button and come out rapping...

M.I.C.K.: laughing at PimPim's commentary

federman: I am in the chat room ready to tell but nobody there come one gather the troops I can only stay a short time -

PimPim: YOUR LIFE HERE long pause

rEfrEsh: your browser.

Peter Heliczer: Federman, how do you compare american and french audiences?

mick: excellent, peter! anything you want to ask raymond? he's right HERE. LIVE.

PimPim: skull silence end of second lesson

maldoror: laughter

Peter Heliczer: Pasquals Restaurant in Santa Fe. I'm a bit distracted but glad to be here.

mIck: federman's ready to rap


*L*: WE are here - WE want to talk. Did it go well in Paris, Raymond?

federman: well nobody wants to talk - dommage - another failure of communciation - or as sam would say - we failed better

*L*: Sauzee is Alan -- he is here with me today!!


MiCK: Hi #L#! Welcome, Peter. Where are you writing from? Hello Sauzee. Where are you writing from?

*L*: Hello?

*L*: Good Question, Mick .. I second that, Raymond.


*L*: Hiya TheManWhoNeverSleepsAndTendsToBeInvisibleToo

Peter Heliczer: czech. czech. is this thing on?

*L*: I'm ok, Ray -- thanks :-) Listen, did you go to promote The Farm this time [again]?

godot: laughter

ö'g®ª⇒Ÿ³: do you make more money from French book sales or American?

ö'g®ª⇒Ÿ³: I'm here--invisible practically. go for it. constructive?

Sauzee: Well, were you successful then?

federman: hey lilly how are you - you want to play the game we used to play

federman: I don't go to paris to be reconstructed - I go there to become rich and infamous

*L*: Hey Raymond :-)

federman: where is nan where is mike where is godot

Sauzee: Was your trip to Paris constructive?

federman: I am here - go ahead - first question

Sauzee: Hello. Nobody else here then?

*L*: Hey -- it's always a SPECIAL appearance when we're talking Federman :-D

henri: fedex will make an appearance here tomorrow at 12 o'clock to tel about what happened in paris -- this is a special appearance so be there

ö'g®ª⇒Ÿ³: looking FORWARD to it, federman...

*L*: Tell RF that we cannot wait to hear ALL about it!! :-D

henri: federman is back in the unreality of america -- it'll take a whle for him to get used to this land of misrepresentation soon he will give a full report of what happened over there

audio clips: Marie-Madou: see below for voice of federman

reprise: Je nes ces't pas...

Marie-Madou: a very great blog ! Félicitations but où est la VOIX de mon ami Federman?


update: the french are DEVOURING federman as we speak

*L*: [That, of course, may only be a rumour... about the belt]

*L*: Mick's even gonna get HIS OWN utility belt with all kinds of funky gadgets.

ö'g®ª⇒Ÿ³: laughter,

*L*: You've got the right Batman, Nancy -- but O'Grady is Batman's *NEW* helper.

nancer99: are we talking robin or do i have the wrong batman?

|L|: I\d like to speak to Batman\s helper // is he around_

henri: hey you guys just heard from federman in paris everything is good great he did a 4 hour interview with france culture radio which will be broadcast early nov. 5 days in the row

ö'g®ª⇒Ÿ³: everything good here

nancer99: everything good here. send me more to read/listen to, guys! i love your work!

*L*: Hep there Nancer! Good to see you again. All is fine here [albeit hungover] -- yourself?

ö'g®ª⇒Ÿ³: Natasha baby99! Yes, RF is in France as we speak. Paris.

nancer99: hi mick and L - i got caught in the boring world of legal language. is federman gone? how are you?

a.p.: Federman is making headlines

anonymous: it sure does

c. kane: it looks like a newspaper

*L*: Yes, this is a newspaper -- so keep those matches away

c. kane: is this a newspaper?

Mi©κ³: --yes, of course, I’ll keep on recording


*L*: :-)

mick: Water the trouble - i like that

*L*: Water the trouble

mick: trouble the water

mick: double or nothing

*L*: Whoops. Sorry about the double entry.

*L*: Perhaps I should open a wee Cyber Candy Café in here.....

*L*: Perhaps I should open a wee Cyber Candy Café in here.....

reggie jackson: me too

h.g.wells: i'll take one

*L*: Okay -- who wants a Mars bar?

The Wall: Pink Floyd, The Wall?

mick: (aside) You.

mick: (aside) Yes, you.

mick: (aside) Are you aware of what you are saying?

mick: *cracking me up* federman...

mick: THE REAL THING is here and it's not sponsored by Coca-Cola

*L*: All the best, Fed - go kick some arse :-)

henri: fed would like to inform his faithful visitors that he will be leaving for paris on oct. 11 -- wish him well

raoul: nan 99 could you explain what you mean by riff on that

nancer99: i like it when federman says "this is not a hollywood story" let's riff on that

*L*: I think I can guess why too -- having read your email :-)

mick: a bit - thanks for noticing

*L*: Mick, are you [extra] hyper today?

mick: yo! 99!

mick: nancer99, i just got your message. you're very welcome.

mick: new! LE MOT ET LE RESTE

*L*: Hep hey :-)

mick: surfiction tagboard

mick: serve it up

mick: welcome back moinous. i heard all about the reading in chicago. heard you really served it up.

mick: blog must go on

henri: fed gave two splendid readings from his body in chicago and one more in minneapolis -- he gain more recognition but the money was shitty

nancer99: hey guys! i've been out of town. nice to see you. mick, thanks for sending that awesome email!

snakeatthedoor: anybody home?

*L*: NANCER? Haven't seen you around for some time. You still 'out there'?

*L*: ...and the party after the reading in Chicago.....

moinous: this is the question I would like to pose to the visitors - how do you measure a great writer

moinous: that's exactly what she said - mister federman you are a very great writer -- so federman asked the charming lady how one measures a writer to say he is a great writer

moinous: well when federman arrived in the studio the lovely sharp lady said -- vous savez monsieur federman vous etes un grand ecrivain --

moinous: fed and I were being interviewed by this sharp lady for french radio - a 4 hour interview which will be broadcast 5 days in the row - each day a different part

moinous: oh you guys are still here -- federman had to go but told me to take over - when we were in paris something amazing happened - you guys want to hear

Moscovich: I like that for an ending, Mike. Right there. A play in one act.
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